Free Exam & X-Rays
Free Exam & X-Rays

Experience Apple Valley’s #1 Choice for Dentistry! When you visit Brite Smiles Dental Care, you’ll appreciate the way our friendly, inviting team of professionals makes you feel comfortable and welcome. We always enjoy making new friends, and we’re already excited to meet you.
To take advantage of our New Patient Free Exam & X-Rays offer, simply call our office or book an appointment online.
What our customers are saying

"From the front desk to the chairside care, I have always had a pleasant and pain free experience."

"When you still get compliments on your teeth at 60, something is going right! I have called Brite Smilesmy dentist of choice for the past 20 years."

"Friendly and professional. Good with kids, and great referrals for specialized surgery, etc."